Ready, Set, Glow! Bonus Epilogue

Ten years later


Something warm and squishy tickled the sole of my foot. My first thought was that it was Felix. My husband playing with my foot was the only natural explanation…right?

Then, through my fog of sleep, I heard an…oink? That had me popping my eyes open. It couldn’t have been what I was thinking…

Except, I was met with the beady eyes of a pink and black spotted pig, who was currently nuzzling its snout into my bare foot. It started wagging its giant ass and little tail, as if it was excited to see me awake. This was my first time learning pigs could wag their tails like a dog.

Any logical human of sound mind might be questioning why there was two hundred pounds of swine in their bedroom, but I knew better.

“Felix!” I yelled, knowing the exact culprit behind this.

A minute later, my beautiful, angel of a husband appeared at the door. His blond curls bounced with each of his peppy steps as he neared me. The devious smile on his face told me he knew exactly why I was grumpy first thing in the morning.

“Good morning, baby,” Felix said and pressed the sweetest fucking kiss to my lips that had me melting into him.

The kiss was almost tempting enough for me to forget the still oinking animal in the room. I had to set boundaries and tell Felix that he had to stop bringing home random animals!

So, I ended the kiss and gave him a firm stare. Felix shot a toothy grin back, looking so freaking angelic that I had to break our eye-contact before I gave in again. I stared at the pig instead.

“What’s this?” I asked, adding a hardness to my voice.

“It’s Phil!” Felix replied entirely too cheerfully.

I rubbed my temples. The pig having a name wasn’t a good sign. It meant Felix was already attached, and that meant it would be practically impossible to convince him to not keep the pig…er, Phil.

I sighed and said, “Angel, why is there a pig here?”

“Well, you see, Dad got a call from his friend last night, saying they had a pig they needed to rehome. Apparently, the family who originally owned Phil was selling their homestead and all the other animals besides poor Phil had already been adopted,” Felix said with a sniff.

Oh no. Felix had always been weak to sob stories.

But still, I gritted my teeth and stood my ground. As the current official owner of Milton Falls Christmas Tree Farm, I had to at least try and act like I was in charge even if we all knew this farm was run on a family effort.

“What are we going to do with a pig, Felix?”

“Love and protect him, of course!” he replied like it was the obvious answer.

I rubbed my temples harder.

“Besides, Phil will eat all our food scraps and even some of the dead trees. Not as much as Poppy and Paxton, but he’ll earn his keep,” Felix said with a proud smile at the pig.

Poppy and Paxton were the goats Felix had adopted last spring. They had an equally sad sob story that had tugged at Felix’s heart, which meant that he of course had to bring them home with us.

Although, it was true the goats did help out a ton with weeding the fields before tree planting. Plus, feeding them the dried-out trees we couldn’t use was a nice way to cut down waste. Though I wasn’t going to tell Felix any of that lest he got the idea that I was giving him the okay to adopt more farm animals.

“Where was I when this was all happening?” I asked.

If I’d been there when the call had happened, I might have been able to stop the adoption before Felix had gotten attached. We might be a farm, but a Christmas tree one! Not an animal farm.

“You went to sleep early last night, remember? Mom’s homemade hot chocolate knocked you right out long before Dad came over about Phil,” Felix said.

He sounded apologetic, though knowing him—and I knew my husband very well—he was probably happy he’d managed to commit the crime first, then ask for forgiveness after.

“I swear Mom drugs the hot chocolate or something,” I muttered under my breath, which only had Felix laughing.

“Dad’s friend needed Phil off his hands as soon as possible, so they dropped him off this morning,” Felix added.

Sadness touched his features as he petted the pig on the head. Phil happily oinked and rubbed his head against Felix’s hand as if asking for more rubs. It was eerie how dog-like he was.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only six in the morning. I sighed and pulled him under the covers. Phil tried to follow, but I firmly put my foot down at having the farm animals in our bed.

“You didn’t get a wink of sleep, did you?” I accused. Felix’s giggle was all the answer I needed as I climbed out of bed and tucked him in. “Do you have any work you need to do this morning?”

He shook his head.

“Get some rest, then. I’ll wake you up for lunch,” I said and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “But this doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you bringing another animal here.”

Felix grin was wide as he said, “I’ll be awaiting your punishment, BB.”

I shook my head, resigned that this man had me wrapped around his pretty little finger, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Sleep,” I ordered Felix, then turned to the pig, who was currently sitting on his ass looking up at me expectantly. I really hated to admit it, but Phil was pretty cute. “Well, c’mon, let’s get you something to eat.”

I’d learn how to put my foot down…next time.


After helping Dad with the after-lunch dishes, I wandered around the property looking for Bruce. It was currently the off-season for Christmas trees, which gave everyone on the farm a bit of a breather from the winter rush.

Though, after all these years together, I’d learned “rest” wasn’t in my husband’s dictionary. For other people? Sure. But for himself? The man didn’t know how to keep still long enough to rest.

When I didn’t find him out in the tree fields or in his office, I checked the newest addition to the farm. It was a medium sized red barn that’d been built when Poppy and Paxton had become members of our family.

Bruce might grumble and complain about how we were not an animal farm, but I knew he secretly loved our hooved members as much as I did.

Which was why I wasn’t surprised when I caught sight of him surrounded by the P-Team, which I decided was an apt name to call them.

Poppy and Paxton were eating carrots from Bruce’s hands while Phil dug his nose on the ground in a circle around him. Phil munched on whatever it was he found before glancing up at my husband with what had to be adoration in his eyes. I should know because I gave Bruce the same gaze every day.

My grumpy husband was currently not so grumpy. He had a soft smile as he said something to Phil, and like the animal whisperer he was, the pig practically jumped with joy trying to get closer to my man.

I laughed as I watched him for a few more minutes. Bruce threw the last of the snacks to the animals, patted his hands, then headed toward the barn. Phil tried to follow Bruce, but Bruce urged them to graze in the fields. The pig must have thought food was more appealing than whatever Bruce was off to. I was more interested in the sexy man than a group of grazing animals, so I silently followed Bruce inside the barn.

Even after all these years together, I still shocked myself with how madly in love I was with him. The years shown on Bruce’s face with more wrinkles, mostly from his perpetual frown, and grays he’d claimed I caused. Still, I couldn’t imagine anyone sexier than this version of him.

Bruce walked to the sink we had installed inside the barn and washed his hands before splashing his face. He stood up straight, and beads of water dripped from his short hair and down his cheeks.

When I followed Bruce in, my goal wasn’t to get seduced, but here we were.

I sneaked behind him and slid my arms around his middle and kissed the back of his neck that I could reach with our height difference.

Bruce didn’t seem surprised at my sudden appearance and quickly spun around in my arms until we were chest to chest.

“Finally done with your amateur stalking?” he teased and captured me in his embrace. He held me tight and bent over until his face nuzzled the crook of my neck.

“You’re getting me wet,” I said with a laugh and tried to push him off of me, but Bruce was a wall of solid muscle that didn’t budge. He could keep me captive here all day if he wanted, and I loved that I was under his mercy.

“Your punishment,” Bruce said with a grumble when he finally pulled away. I chuckled, knowing he was talking about my bringing home a new family member without telling him first.

He lifted the edge of his shirt to wipe the leftover water droplets from his face. My eyes went directly to the exposed skin of his stomach. His abs were less defined than when we had first started dating. His family claimed it was his happy weight he’d gained after we’d married. Hearing that I made him happy never got old.

Plus, I found his so-called “dad bod” hot as fuck. Which was why I was totally checking my husband out as he finished wiping the droplets from his face with the edge of his T-shirt.

I took a step closer and ran a finger down his side to his exposed treasure trail.

“I much rather a different kind of punishment,” I breathed into his ear. I finished the words with a light nibble on his earlobe.

The sound that came out of Bruce was almost feral. He twisted our bodies until my back was against the wall and his hips pressed against mine, keeping me trapped in between his arms.

With Bruce, it never took much to get me going, but the way he manhandled me had me hard in two seconds flat.

“I’m starting to think our definitions of punishment are very different,” Bruce said in a throaty rumble.

“I think my version is a lot more fun, don’t you agree?” I said with a laugh.

Bruce shut me up with a bruising kiss that was sure to leave a beard burn on my chin later, not that I cared much. I was too focused on the delicious lips that were currently on mine as I tried to get a deeper taste of him.

I wrapped my arms around him, needing to get closer. Bruce’s hands were rough on my ass, and his hard cock pressed against my own.

Another second later and Bruce pulled away with a soft “fuck”. He spun me around so my chest was against the wall and jilted my hips outward. With a smooth pull of his hand, he pulled my jeans and underwear until they fell to my feet.

I looked back just in time to see him dropping to his knees.

“You make me fucking crazy,” he said with a fervent look in his eyes. His hands rubbed over my ass cheeks before spreading them apart.

“Keep quiet for me, angel,” was all the warning he gave me before diving into my hole tongue first. He ate me out like a ravenous man, not someone who’d just had lunch not even an hour prior.

I covered my mouth with my hands in hopes of muffling the moans he’d tore out of me, but staying quiet was impossible when a finger slipped inside and instantly found the bundle of nerves that had me crying out.

“Quiet, baby,” Bruce briefly pulled away from his feast to reprimand me. His warm hand slid under my shirt and up and down my spine, sending a delicious shiver through me.

Maybe this was his way of punishing me because he didn’t give me a second of reprieve before sliding in another digit and stretching me out. All the while, he continued hitting my prostrate as if his punishment was giving me the impossible task of staying silent in this situation.

“Please, Bruce. Enough,” I pleaded when he’d wiggled in three digits. He’d worked me open with his tongue and fingers until my hole twitched with need to get him inside of me.

Thankfully, Bruce seemed as impatient as I was. He shot to his feet and undid the zipper of his jeans to pull out his raging hard cock.

I watched with greedy eyes as he rubbed his precum over his length to get it wet.

He let his saliva pool and coated my hole with it before quickly replacing his fingers with his dick.

“Tell me if it hurts,” Bruce grunted as he pushed inside. With only his spit slicking the way, his penetration burned in all the best way.

When he was all the way to the hilt, he stilled inside me for a minute. His front pasted against my back and his arms wrapped around my stomach to pull me as close to him as physically possible.

“Feels so good,” he murmured against my ear. “Wish I could stay here forever.”

“Nobody’s stopping you,” I replied and clenched my hole to let him know that it would be my absolute pleasure to have him inside me always.

Bruce sucked in a breath of hot air. “You’re going to be the death of me, my angel,” he said as he licked the shell of my ear. He finished his word with one hard thrust inside that had whatever words I had in reply die in my throat.

Bruce’s hand slithered up my chest and lightly wrapped around my throat.

“Shh, we’re going to get caught with all the noise you’re making,” Bruce said with a chuckle. He was telling me to be quiet, but his hips continued to piston and hit every single spot he knew I loved.

I twisted my head to glare at him. He returned a teasing smile, then added, “Here, I’ll help you stay quiet.”

His hand on my throat tightened as he leaned down until our lips met. He kissed me hard and breathless as his cock continued to make a mess out of my needy hole and his other hand stroked my throbbing erection.

At least with his lips on me, he swallowed my final cry as I shot in his hand. Bruce was right behind me, stilling, and coming with a grunt. His hot cum splashing inside sent another wave of pleasure through me as I spilled the last of my seed into his waiting hand.

Bruce’s kisses turned softer. He gently nibbled my bottom lip before releasing me to rest his head on the nook of my shoulder.

“I love you,” I softly said.

He placed a kiss on the exposed skin at the base of my neck, then lifted his gaze to meet my eyes. They were gentle and filled with so much love. It was a look I’d gotten used to over the years, but it was one I’d never get tired of.

“I love you too,” he replied just as softly. “But promise me no more pigs or else I’m gonna have to come up with a punishment that won’t be nearly as fun as this.”

I laughed and kissed him again.

“Okay. No more pigs,” I promised him. “But even if I’m a good boy, I’ll take this form of punishment any day.”

My words were met with another hungry growl as Bruce’s soft cock twitched inside of me and he smothered me with kisses. I kissed back just as hard through my joyous laughs.

Best. Punishment. Ever.

And that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoy Felix and Bruce 🙂 If you want more of them, you’ll see them again in Under the Mistle-Foe and The Holiday Fail!

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